Each printing process has its strengths. Gravure has many:
"Gravure has fewer variables to control than other printing processes, ensuring more consistent print quality throughout a run." ("Gravure Process and Technology" 5)
Gravure provides "consistent color throughout a press run, even when that run consists of several million copies." ("Gravure Process and Technology" 7)
Gravure is a direct printing process: the image on the cylinder is printed directly to the substrate. This results in better ink laydown and thus a more faithful image rendering.
Image data wrapped around the cylinder can be continuous, so no plate seam shows, such as in wall paper or gift wrap.
Gravure printing routinely uses a wide variety of substrates:
- Publication printing: Very thin paper, coated paper
- Packaging printing: Cardboard, plastic film, aluminum foil, laminates, vinyl, non-porous materials
The depth and size of engraved cells determines the amount of ink that can be put on the substrate. Gravure printing can lay down more ink than other processes.
Gravure presses run at high production speeds: 3000-3300 feet per minute.
Cylinders are extremely durable. Print runs of 2 million to 3 million from one cylinder set are common.
The diamond cutting tool (the engrave head) can cut at speeds of up to 10,000 cells per second. Special applications use cutting speeds much lower, such as 2000 cps or even lower.

Post time: Feb-23-2023